N4G 2025 in Paris is a critical opportunity to prioritise women’s and girls’ nutrition. A small group of civil society organisations have developed a set of actionable recommendations to support and inform the work of the Paris N4G thematic working group on nutrition and gender equality as they develop a commitment-making guide. Read the recommendations here.
Archives: Resources
Country Stories that Inspire: Motivating GDQS Data to Action
Learn about the use of GDQS data to inform policy and program-relevant actions in Ethiopia, Niger, Nigeria, Viet Nam, and Zambia.
What is The Gender Nutrition Gap? A Primer
This primer outlines The Gender Nutrition Gap, the Action Agenda, and the campaign.
Nourish Equality
Though the links between gender equality and nutrition are increasingly clear, up until now action in the philanthropic community has been relatively small and fragmented due to a lack of practical guidance.
Nourish Equality outlines the simple yet transformative steps that all donors – private and public – can take to tailor their grantmaking to support the double dividend of a more equitable and better nourished world.
Find more information in the Resource Center at the Stronger Foundations for Nutrition website.
Webinar 2: How to Use the Action Agenda: Country Action and Global Advocacy Ambition Moving Forward
Webinar 1: Série mondiale de webinaires sur la réduction de l’écart entre les sexes en matière de nutrition
Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer une série mondiale de webinaires sur la réduction de l’écart entre les sexes et la nutrition, organisée conjointement par le Réseau de la société civile pour le renforcement de la nutrition (RSC SUN) et l’Alliance de la société civile pour le renforcement de la nutrition au Vietnam (ASC SUN Viet Nam) en partenariat avec FHI 360.
Webinar 1: Serie mundial de seminarios web sobre cómo cerrar la brecha nutricional de género
Nos complace anunciar una serie de seminarios web mundiales sobre cómo cerrar la brecha de género y nutrición, organizada conjuntamente por la Red de la Sociedad Civil para el Fomento de la Nutrición (RSC SUN) y la Alianza de la Sociedad Civil para el Fomento de la Nutrición en Vietnam (ASC SUN Viet Nam) en asociación con FHI 360.
Webinar 1: Overview of the Closing the Gender Nutrition Gap
UNICEF, WHO: Taking action to protect children from the harmful impact of food marketing: a child rights-based approach
This joint publication aims to guide governments and partners through the steps to introduce policies to protect children from the harmful impact of food marketing.
Emergency Nutrition Network: Nutrition of women and adolescent girls in humanitarian contexts: Current state of play, 2022
This technical paper summarises developments and progress in nutrition programming for women and adolescent girls, specifically focusing on humanitarian contexts.